What are cbd edibles
Edibles are—you guessed it—an ingestible form of cannabis that requires no combustion (fire) to activate its chemical compounds. Many people prefer edibles because there’s no smoke to inhale or permeate carpets and furniture.
There are two common types of CBD edibles: balanced THC/CBD and CBD dominant. Balanced edibles contain equal (or near-equal) amounts of both THC and CBD. CBD-dominant edibles, on the other hand, typically contain little or no measurable THC—it’s all about the CBD.
Because they contain some THC, consumers should expect balanced edibles to impart some of the classic cannabis high that THC is mostly responsible for. CBD-dominant edibles, on the other hand, shouldn’t bring about any sort of intoxication.
CBD edibles are starting to become very popular as an everyday wellness product. CBD edibles have numerous benefits. Primarily, they allow you to quickly and easily get your daily intake of CBD through a flavorful CBD-infused product. CBD edibles are becoming a common way people encourage wellness, and our flavorful gummies are a great option.
Offering a tasty alternative to other methods of taking CBD, cannabidiol edibles deliver the balancing cannabinoid to your body through the digestive system. Because this process can take 30 minutes to a couple hours before CBD is able to interact with the body’s systems, CBD edibles typically offer natural balancing effects that are longer lasting than some other types of CBD products.
Why Should I Choose a CBD Edible?
The number one reason why customers choose edibles is for taste. Hemp has a distinct flavor that, to some, is difficult to get used to. With edibles, the flavor of hemp is completely covered and not there. A piece of chocolate or a gummy bear can serve both as a nutritional supplement and a sweet treat!
Edibles are a great introductory CBD products. They come in a familiar form and require no instruction. If you are consuming a different form of CBD, edibles can be used as a replacement for your daily bite of chocolate or gum for an extra serving of CBD.
When something is as delicious as CBD edibles, it’s difficult to forget to take them each day. These products taste so great that you’ll look forward to supplementing your routine with CBD!
Note: because they are edibles, different products will have different grams per serving of CBD. This is due to the way they are made into edibles. Cooking them, baking, gummies, drops etc all will change the amount you get per serving.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is an all-natural, non-psychoactive compound derived from the stalks and seeds of hemp plant. Over recent years, CBD has become highly sought after for its natural health properties, with a growing body of scientific research revealing more about the compound every day.
CBD encourages health and wellness through its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Found in all mammals, the endocannabinoid system is tasked with regulating a wide variety of bodily functions to keep the body in homeostasis and you feeling and functioning at your best.
So what is CBD oil? CBD is a prominent component of our award-winning hemp oil, made from our unique cultivars of high-CBD hemp plants. When making our line of edible CBD products, once we extract CBD as a constituent of hemp oil, we isolate the compound from the oil using a proprietary process to purify it to its crystalline form. There are a lot of myths surrounding CBD, learn CBD facts and stay informed.