CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol – a completely natural substance and one of the many cannabinoids found in marijuana and hemp, members of the Cannabis plant genus.
Cannabinoids are the actual molecules within the cannabis plant that provide the medical properties.
Because both marijuana and hemp come from Cannabis sativa, they share certain traits. However, marijuana and hemp are not the same things. The difference is in the amounts of CBD and THC.

THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol – is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, and causes the sensation of getting “high” that’s often associated with marijuana.
→ Marijuana can have up to 30% THC per dry weight. The US federal government doesn’t recognize any medical uses of marijuana and claims it has a strong potential for abuse. Marijuana remains federally illegal in the USA, although states have begun passing legislation that legalizes either medical or recreational marijuana use.
→ Hemp comes with high concentrations of CBD, the non-psychoactive cannabinoid, but it carries almost no THC (below 0.3%).
Being non-psychoactive, CBD provides numerous benefits without THC’s intoxicating effects: helps to get a good night’s rest, aids in stress relief, balances mood, enhances relaxation, promotes recovery, supports the immune system and much more.